Tuesday, March 28, 2017

7 ways to make everyone happy around you.


7 Ways To Make Everyone Around You Happy
3 weeks agoAafreen JafriPeople & Lifestyle
Happiness is not a place, it’s a way of life. Despite all the pain, sorrow and sadness life offers, happiness can be achieved by anyone and everyone. Life is tough, but it demands us to be tougher. It’s easy to be happy once you’ve made the decision. Making others around you happy, is another way to make yourself happy. Listed below are 15 different ways you can use to make the people around you happy.

1. Optimism
This is the number one rule to be happy and to keep others around you happy as well. Optimism means to look for the positive side of every situation, no matter how hard it may seem. One doesn’t have to focus on the negative all the time. Train yourself to not dwell on things that are detrimental to your mental well-being. The more you dwell on the negative, the more negative vibes you throw out for other people aeound you. Not only this, encourage people around you to see and focus on the positive aspects of life as well.

2. Patience
It has been rightly said that patience is a virtue. Being patienf with one self is one of the few ways to succeed and be happy in life, it teaches you to be calm and composed. Similarly, being patient with those around you always improves their mood and state of mind. To be patient towards somebody, means to keep your calm when they aren’t keeping theirs. Help them to relax and give them time to work on their own. When such acts are shown to a person, it automatically calms and composes them and brings a sense of joy among them.

3. Appreciate the good in others
To spread joy amongst the people that surround us, it is extremely important to acknowledge and appreciate the good things in a person and the good deeds they do. Compliment a person for the radiant smile they have, tell them they look beautiful/handsome, tell them they did good on their job. You will not realise what magical effect all these things can have on a person. What could be better than making a person feel good about themselves?

4. Smile
“A thing of beauty is a joy forever,” and there id nothing more beautiful in a human than their smile. Ever noticed how your bad mood gets lightened up when someone smiles genuinely at you? Ever felt the effect of a smile? Smile is contagious and soothing. So smile more often, your smile might just make someone’s day.

5. Love people as they are
We humans are a bunch of imperfections. Each one of us has their flaws and vices. Nobody. Is. Born. Perfect. Even after living a long life of perfecting yourself, you cannot be free of your flaws. They make you who are, like they make everyone around you who they are. It is better to appreciate and love the people for what they are, along with their imperfections. They were born that way, they grew up that way and they’ll probably be that way throughout their life- which is totally okay, by the way! Love people along with their flaws, it makes you a better person and hey, unless you learn to love someone with their flaws, how can anybody do the same with you? What goes around, comes around, remember?

6. Make time for others
Each one of us gets 24 hours a day to manage our busy schedules- health, work, home and ourselves. In this fast-paced world, it is so necessary to get in touch with ourselves and it’s equally necessary to make time for others, for the people you love and who love you, for the people who surround you. Choose a day, gather the people you want to be with and spend time with them. It’s a fabulous feeling when someone makes time to be with you. Do it more often and whenever you can.

7. Stop complaining
One of the most annoying habits in a person could be the habit of complaining about their circumstances, life, day, work, family, etc. Not only does grumbling make you miserable, it makes people around you miserable, too. It shows your discontent about the things in your life and your inabilitu to look beyond it. It’s the biggest turnoff
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